The term ‘logistics’ may not sound very appealing to many, especially if you’re not involved directly within the industry for work, but the reality is, logistics makes the world go ‘round.

So even if you’re not directly involved in movement of goods, you’re still likely to care about logistics more than you may think you do.
Ever wonder how your Amazon Prime order arrives within the two-day window, no matter what you’re ordering? What about when your car needs new parts? Or how about an organic food company sourcing ingredients from farm lands to sell that favorite organic snack you purchase in the store? Ever wonder what kind of cargo is being hauled on those oversized truck loads on the freeway? No matter how big or small, goods in practically every industry need to be sourced and transported to keep our economy moving in the right direction. And, they rely on efficient and sustainable logistics companies to do just that.
Whatever mode of transportation -- planes, trains, cargo ships, and even the 18 wheelers -- all those vessels are constantly on-the-go every day around the world. Logistics managers, such as our own crew here at CTS, have to make sure there’s never a kink in those moving parts. They also have to think about the carbon footprint that these vessels are leaving behind to satisfy sustainability best practices for the good of our planet.
Every April, we celebrate Earth Day, which is a day to reflect on how everyone is impacting the earth. Although it really should be celebrated every day, there's an emphasis on turning areas of improvement into positive outcomes. Individuals can be sure to properly recycle and compost, be more resourceful and aware. While companies, large and small, can also be eco-friendly and cut down on carbon footprint in a number of ways.
So how are logistics companies, such as CTS and its network of carriers, becoming eco-friendly? By implementing best practices and eco-technologies in day-to-day operations, using eco-friendly vessels to reduce pollution output, practicing sustainable purchasing with a green supply chain, using fuel alternatives, and conserving energy usage.
Our very own logistics specialists and carrier partners understand that this is a critical piece to our on-the-go lifestyle and flourishing industries. Therefore, they’re making sure that their practices stay efficient and, more importantly, sustainable. Happy Earth Day, from all of us at CTS.
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